Friday, November 8, 2019

2.What is Sensors

In the basic information of sensor, we can say that sensor is a device that convert’s any physical quantity into the equivalent electrical quantity of signal. A sensor is always used with other electronics component.

        There are different type of sensor used for different use of purpose….
         If you have any questions ask in the comments. I will definitely try to answer it.

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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

1.Automation Using Arduino Board

        There are many microcontroller used for Automation. But Arduino is the type of microcontroller which is very easy to use. It contains microcontroller like ATmega8, ATmega168, ATmega328, ATmega1280, ATmega2560. Most commonly used microcontroller is ATmega328p.

Image of Arduino Uno Board :
Image result for arduino
   Image of Arduino Board 
         In Automation most of the beginners are used to start their technical career with these small Board’s.   
Image of microcontroller :
Image result for atmega328Image result for atmega328
Image of Microcontroller 
Pin Diagram of Atmega328p :
Image result for atmega328

2.What is Sensors

In the basic information of sensor, we can say that sensor is a device that convert’s any physical quantity into the equivalent electrical...